Sunday, July 4, 2010

McD's and Ipanema

Started off the day at Ipanema beach, which was like a quainter version of Copacabana. Similar blue water, rolling waves, and mountainous/high rise backdrop. I like the sand more though because it feels a little less coarse. It got a bit chilly once the sun went down which was odd, so we left when the sunshine did. We stumbled upon a kind of religious ceremony that incorporated a lot of white balloons and singing. There were even fireworks, which was appropriate for the 4th of July, although I doubt the church was celebrating the United States' independence. To celebrate the 4th we ate at McDonald's, quintessential American fast food. It was pretty much just like the McDonald's in the States but everything was in Portuguese and the wait was much much longer. My McLanche Feliz was tasty in the way that McDonald's food is and I got to choose which Shrek toy went it.

I have pictures to upload but Picasa isn't letting me :(


  1. so do McDonalds hamburgers taste the same in Brazil ?

  2. Yep! Although my cheeseburger was just a patty, American cheese, tomatoes, pickles and ketchup so you can't get any more generic than that.

  3. did you see the girl from Ipanema?
